Zebra Lymphatic Covid-19 Response Plan
(rev 29/3/2020)
In response to the recent Covid-19 pandemic Zebra Lymphatic is undertaking the following actions:
- As a CAREGiver if I have any signs of being unwell I will remain at home, to help minimise the spread of any illness, including COVID-19.
- At the start of each visit I will ask the patient screening questions relating to your health and situation. These will be:
– Have you or a close family member (that you have been in contact with) returned from interstate or overseas in the last 14 days?
– Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
– Do you have a fever or symptoms of an infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) that you don’t normally have)?
- All public interaction is taken wearing a Pro-safe P2 respirator
- Social distancing to a minimum of 1.5meters is practiced during and out of work hours
- Hand are sanitized prior to and post all treatments for at least 20 seconds
- All therapist client activity is practiced using a Pro-safe P2 respirator
- Patients own towels are used during all treatments
- The treatment table is sanitized prior to all treatments
- Any patient unsure or feeling unsafe regarding treatment is given the option to cancel
(The above will be amended and reviewed on a regular basis and altered as per government and provider directives).
To participate in the Australian Government online series of Covid-19 courses please go to https://covid-19training.gov.au/index.html .